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Rider App and Web: Schedule Trips in Advance
Rider App and Web: Schedule Trips in Advance

Easily schedule trips straight from the home page of the rider app and web

Updated over 2 months ago

It's common to offer both same-day and scheduled trips. However, riders are habitual and will often do one or the other. This article explains how Spare has optimized both of these flows, so that riders can book in a way that's convenient to them.

What has changed?

In the past, you had to choose for all or no riders to automatically see the time and date selection page before scheduling a trip. This is an unnecessary step for riders looking for a trip now, but a critical one for those scheduling in advance.

What does it look like?

Once this feature is enabled by your Spare Representative, your riders will see the following:

On the home screen, riders can choose to either start the flow by entering "where to" and this will take them to a page to enter the destination. The origin is pre-filled to the rider's current location. Alternatively, the rider can select "schedule" and start by entering the time and date they're travelling. If the rider follows this route, they have to enter their origin and destination, neither is pre-filled.

UI updates were made to the "choose a time" page, with the intention of making it easier to choose between Now, Leave At, and Arrive By.

In both flows, when the rider confirms their origin, the design was adjusted to make it clearer to the rider that this field can be re-edited.

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