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New Duty and Driver Pages

A new page experience is coming at 8am PST on January 21st!

Updated over 2 months ago

Based on customer feedback, Spare is releasing a new version of the Duty and Driver pages at 8am PST on January 21st! This article contains everything you need to know about the update.

What is changing on the duty page?

On the duty page, you'll now see information organized into four headers:

You'll first see the itinerary and status of the duty, along with key information like driver, vehicle, and start & end times.

Next up is Time Travel - your tool for investigating what's happening (or happened) on the ground!

In the following two tabs you'll see a record of messages sent and received once the duty is complete and any other records like editing the duty can be found under "Activity Log".

What is changing on the driver page?

Here, you'll see the same two column design that you're familiar with across Spare. Critical details about the driver are on the left like name, contact details, and any other custom fields you've added.

On the right, you'll find the driver's list of duties, and any information about devices or vehicles they've operated.

You'll also notice we've added a new KPI's bar at the top of the driver page! This gives you a quick glance at a driver's performance over a given time period - today, the last week, month or three months. This feature is available in the Spare Dispatch Package. Speak to your Spare Representative to learn more.

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